ChildrenNursery for children birth to age two is provided at all of our services. Young children are a priority to us. We have a dedicated team of nursery workers to care for your children.
Sunday School Classes are Pre-K (2-4 years), Early Elementary (K-2nd grade), and Upper Elementary (3-5 grades). Children participate in Sunday School (9-10 a.m.), have a snack time (10-10:20 a.m.), attend Worship in the sanctuary (10:30 - 11 a.m.), followed by Children's Church (11-12 noon). |
YouthSwitch Youth meets Wednesdays at 6:00pm, and it's great for any student in Middle School or High School.
Small GroupsWe have small groups available on Wednesday evenings at 6:30pm, or during Sunday School on Sundays at 9am.
Opportunities for Adults
Men's MinistryTurning Point men participate in activities and projects that span a wide range of interest. There are wild game dinners, chili suppers and trap shooting for the outdoorsman. There are also service projects like car care day or Habitat for Humanity construction days for the craftsman. Bible studies and mentoring programs offer additional opportunities for spiritual growth. Turning Point men also reach out to the community with ministry at the Salvation Army and the Noyes Home.
Single AdultsA ministry for single adults, whether never married, widowed or divorced, is important to Turning Point. These people meet regularly for fellowship, spiritual growth and moral support. Each Thanksgiving, the Singles provide food baskets to those in need in our community.
Women's MinistryThe ladies of Turning Point offer many activities and opportunities for involvement. You can choose to attend a weekly small group Bible study, participate in community service activities, mentor a teenage mother, and join in thematic activities. The Women’s Retreat is a special component of the ministry. It provides an opportunity for ladies of all ages to spend time in fellowship and share in spiritual growth.
The yearly Christmas Bazaar is well attended and serves as a fundraiser for other activities. Prayer MinistryTurning Point Church places a high priority on prayer. Not only do we emphasize prayer in our worship service, we also have a very active Prayer Chain. The Prayer Chain is kept up-to-date by email and phone calls.
Young AdultsH.O.P.E (Helping Others Prepare Eternally) is a ministry for the young at heart. H.O.P.E. meets the second and fourth Thursday of the month. Meeting places vary. Join this fun and active group for opportunities to grow and help others.
Sunday SchoolEach Sunday at 9 a.m., we have Sunday School for all ages. Turning Point has talented and dedicated teachers for every age and interest. Sunday School is a place to study and apply God’s Word to your life. It is also a place to meet other people who share your beliefs and priorities.